Panultihon Book Club

Book: The Success Principles - How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be.

Author: Jack Canfield

Review: Two thumbs up! Any person who can apply the principles in this book has a very high percentage rate of succeeding in life.

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"The phrase I can't is the most powerful force of negation in the human psyche."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

-- Paul R. Scheele, Chairman, Learning Strategies Corporation

Do you know that when you say "I can't" you are actually giving up any hope that you can? Once you say "I can't", a very powerful circuit, which I will call the I-can't circuit, in your brain will kick into action. And what does it do? It will disable or sabotage the part of your brain that is responsible for cooking up ideas and solutions. I can this part of the brain the "I-can" circuit.

God created your (and my) brain with the ability to solve any problem that comes your way, as stated in the bible (1 Corinthians 10:13). But for your brain to really look for ideas to solve your problem, you have to truly believe that "you can" solve the problem, that you can handle the challenges. Once you say "I can", and you truly believe in your heart, then something magical will happen -- your creative mind will kick into action to look for ideas, and solutions. And sooner or later, your brain will come-up with an idea or ideas that are winners.

One of the reasons why a person fails to reach his dream is because once the going gets tough, when a problem becomes too difficult to solve, he simply quit and stop trying. He doesn't realize that by sticking around, by believing that he can, his brain will set to work to find a solution(s).

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click HERE.

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