Panultihon Book Club

Book: The Success Principles - How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be.

Author: Jack Canfield

Review: Two thumbs up! Any person who can apply the principles in this book has a very high percentage rate of succeeding in life.

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"In life, it does not matter what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you tat matters most."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Page 31 of Chinkee Tan's latest book "For Richer, For Poorer"

When it rains as you are about to step out of your home for work, there is definitely nothing you can do to stop the rain. However, there are a list of things that you can do so that you won't become wet -- bring an umbrella, wear a raincoat, call cab, borrow your spouse car, ask your spouse to drive you to work, wait it out, and so on and so forth. You can either feel miserable or choose to remain cheerful.

When your company close down there is absolutely nothing you can do about unless you are the owner or the son of the company owner. However, it's not yet the end of your world. You can either look for a new job or drank yourself to sleep feeling miserable and hopeless.

Raining is not important, closing of the company where you work is not so important. What is important is that you will never give-up, that you will continue to give your best.

Do not focus on the things that happened to you, now and in the past,  that is beyond your control, instead focus on what you can do to improve your current situation.

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click

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God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

-- Mother Teresa

God's system works like this: man "plants" something for his own benefit and for the benefit of others, God "makes" the seed grow and bear fruits. Man does not make the seeds grow, but for him to eat he only needs to plant the seed and God will take care of the rest.

God in his infinite wisdom knows very well man's limitations. But weak and limited as man is, God still requires man to try and give his best in every endeavor that he does most specially in serving and helping others because God will take care of the rest. Therefore, man succeeds not really because he's that good but because God blessed his best efforts, and allowed him to succeed.

So in every endeavor that we do, it is always wise to ask for God's blessing before and during the whole proceeding. And gives him praise whether you reach your goal or not.

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click HERE.

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"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

-- Jim Rohn, America's foremost business philosopher

To achieve something, we have to be in control of something, otherwise everything we achieve is just mere coincidence or pure luck. Come to think about it, we cannot totally control our environment or the people around us but we can totally control how we react to our environment and to the people around us so that we will achieve our goals in life.

In his book, "The Success Principles, How to Get from Where Your Are to Where You Want to Be", Jack Canfield shared the formula of Dr. Robert Resnick, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles, that supports this principle.

E + R = O
(Event + Response = Outcome)

This formula shows the factors that will determine what will happen to us in the future. Events represents situations and people that will cross your path as you journey towards your goals in life. Situation and people sometimes presents challenges and problems that might hinder you. But really the situation or the people are not really your main enemy but yourself, how you will react to the challenge: will you move on or will you give-up and stop trying. You decision will determine you outcome.

Mario is junior engineer. Due to financial need he wanted to be promoted in his work in order to get a higher salary. After setting this goal he started working harder, making sure his work is accurate and that his recommendations are correct and very good. He also started making initiatives in their office to improve process.

One day, Ricky, his officemate got promoted. Mario knew Ricky very well, and he believed that he was more deserving to be promoted. Because of this event, Mario got depressed and became discouraged. As a result his performance level started go down, he started missing reports and stopped following through his initiatives. He stopped giving his best in his work resulting to some errors and mistakes. Eventually, he lost interest in his work, and resigned after a month.

Did Mario reach his goal? Of course not. Mario's response (stopped giving his best) to the event (Ricky's promotion) was responsible for the outcome (not getting the promotion he aimed for). The promotion of Ricky was not Mario's business whatsoever. He could have reached his goal no doubt had he chosen a better response which is to congratulate Ricky, and continue giving his best. He could even ask Ricky for some tips.

Bottom line, it is your response to people and situation that defines our success and failure in life. The good news is that you have a good measure of control over your response, so chose your response wisely.

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click HERE.

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"The phrase I can't is the most powerful force of negation in the human psyche."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

-- Paul R. Scheele, Chairman, Learning Strategies Corporation

Do you know that when you say "I can't" you are actually giving up any hope that you can? Once you say "I can't", a very powerful circuit, which I will call the I-can't circuit, in your brain will kick into action. And what does it do? It will disable or sabotage the part of your brain that is responsible for cooking up ideas and solutions. I can this part of the brain the "I-can" circuit.

God created your (and my) brain with the ability to solve any problem that comes your way, as stated in the bible (1 Corinthians 10:13). But for your brain to really look for ideas to solve your problem, you have to truly believe that "you can" solve the problem, that you can handle the challenges. Once you say "I can", and you truly believe in your heart, then something magical will happen -- your creative mind will kick into action to look for ideas, and solutions. And sooner or later, your brain will come-up with an idea or ideas that are winners.

One of the reasons why a person fails to reach his dream is because once the going gets tough, when a problem becomes too difficult to solve, he simply quit and stop trying. He doesn't realize that by sticking around, by believing that he can, his brain will set to work to find a solution(s).

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click HERE.

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"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

-- Napoleon Hill

Everything started out as an idea that popped up in the mind of the inventor; the diaper, the paper, the pencil, the car, the airplane, the spaceship, etc. are just a few of the millions of examples. But the product of ideas are not just limited to physical things; take for example the computer codes and applications, the search engines like Google and Yahoo, online stock market trading, etc.

Idea is so precious and so valuable because these have the potential to change lives. Unlike gold in which the value is already more or less fixed, the value of ideas is unlimited. Suffice to say, brilliant ideas are more valuable than gold.

Ideas are like gold, it should be mined. But instead of digging down on earth, we have to dig into our mind or the mind of other people. How? By asking questions! Leading and penetrating question are the key that will open our mind, our imagination which will produce ideas.

One of the reasons why you and I are wonderful creatures is because we all have the capacity to generate good to brilliant ideas; ideas that can make a positive change not only to our lives but to the entire world. Sink this fact to your consciousness and awareness and you are in a better position to generate good to brilliant ideas. The next time somebody ask for your ideas don't take yourself lightly. Ideas are the change agents of the world, and you have to power to create them.

Now take time, and think about it.

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click HERE.

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"Winning means being unafraid to lose."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

--Fran Tankerton, one-time great NFL quarterback

It's true that we cannot always win in life but we can always give our best. Being able to give our best means we are able to achieve performance success. Once we reach this level in our performance our chance of success will greatly increased. In fact, performance success or being able to give our best is one of the success factors in life be it in business, work, competitions, etc.

However, if you start worrying whether we will succeed or not, whether you will win or not, whether you will make it or not, then chances are your performance level will start to go down. Everything will not come easy anymore, and it will be an uphill battle from there.

I remember when I was in high school, I represented, as board one chess player, the Mandaue City Schools Division during the 1996 Regional Meet held in Bohol, Philippines. During the early part of the tournament I lost all my first three games. I was so disappointed with my performance because I knew I can do better. However, something happened because I won the remaining six games, straight. As a result I placed third in the individual ranking.

What happened? During the first three games I was so nervous and got intimidated with my opponents that my thoughts were mostly centered on losing. I even remember that I thought that there's no way I can win. I simply forgot to think about winning. But something strange happened when I decided I stop thinking about losing; I relaxed and started to enjoy the game. Automatically, I started focusing on finding ways to win, and my performance level increased a lot. I was so satisfied with my performance that I couldn't almost believe it.

Bottom line, no matter how prepared you are, once you started entertaining thoughts of losing, pictures of you losing and humiliated will start playing in your mind like a movie, and you will start to have self-doubt. Once this happened performance success will start to tip to the other direction which is performance failure.

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click HERE.

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