Panultihon Book Club

Book: The Success Principles - How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be.

Author: Jack Canfield

Review: Two thumbs up! Any person who can apply the principles in this book has a very high percentage rate of succeeding in life.

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"In life, it does not matter what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you tat matters most."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Page 31 of Chinkee Tan's latest book "For Richer, For Poorer"

When it rains as you are about to step out of your home for work, there is definitely nothing you can do to stop the rain. However, there are a list of things that you can do so that you won't become wet -- bring an umbrella, wear a raincoat, call cab, borrow your spouse car, ask your spouse to drive you to work, wait it out, and so on and so forth. You can either feel miserable or choose to remain cheerful.

When your company close down there is absolutely nothing you can do about unless you are the owner or the son of the company owner. However, it's not yet the end of your world. You can either look for a new job or drank yourself to sleep feeling miserable and hopeless.

Raining is not important, closing of the company where you work is not so important. What is important is that you will never give-up, that you will continue to give your best.

Do not focus on the things that happened to you, now and in the past,  that is beyond your control, instead focus on what you can do to improve your current situation.

PS: To read more powerful quote, quotes, quotations, and insightful reflections, click HERE. To learn more about performance success, how to succed in life, success principles, winning in life, creative, creativity, good ideas, becoming a winner, the "I can" attitude, success factor, success factors, and winning, click

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